Tuesday, March 26, 2013

45,000 Page Views!!!!!

Wow!  45,000 page views!

Thank you everyone for your interest in hydroponic growing.  I suspect we now have many, many more "hydro" gardeners growing their own and enjoying a very productive hobby. I am glad to have contributed to this in even the smallest of ways!!

I'll keep the blog up and running as well as the facebook page.  Don't forget to "subscribe" to the Youtube page as well.

Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Frugal-Hydroponics/178725932158360?ref=hl

Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/user/misterhalfwaythere1/videos?view=0

Thanks again for the great comments and input.  It is greatly appreciated!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Number 4 Why Use an Ebb and Flow System?

Number 4) 

Flow cycles can be adjusted to maximize nutrient uptake. Use a journal to quickly determine the most efficient ebb and flow cycle to save even more electricity.

Be as specific as possible when recording your results as this data becomes very valuable in making accurate decisions.  Experiment with feeding cycles in conjunction with light cycles.